This happened tonight in our humor-as-therapy class. This is a long set-up for a short pun, so take a long, deep breath….
Using PowerPoint, I show the class an image of a life preserver with the words SENSE OF HUMOR photo-shopped on. I asked a student about the significance of this, & he said: “Because humor can save your life — AND it tastes good, too!” referring of course to a Life Saver.
Since I had a few Wint-O-Greens with me, I said “You mean these?” The inmate saw that the mint was wrapped in clear plastic, and expressed surprise. He looked across the room at a known punster and said “Thank God! I thought he was taking a condom out of his pocket!”
The punster said “Don’t be silly — Why would he be eating condiments?”
This from the same guy who, a few weeks ago in the same class, when challenged to make a pun out of the paper clip he had, hands me the clip before he leaves & says “I would’ve returned this sooner, but you were going at quite a clip.” Before I could reply, he said “But that’s OK, because you were fasten-ating.”
I’ve stopped wondering why I am the way I am.